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Tax Appeal 2023



Alex is only six years old. His once bright eyes and contagious smile have faded, replaced by a sad and withdrawn expression.

He’s been getting in trouble a lot at school, disrupting his classroom, yelling and bullying his peers. Sometimes, he just doesn’t go to school.

His friends don’t understand his behaviour, and so they’ve stopped playing with him, no longer inviting him to birthday parties or sports events.

He finds it difficult to focus on anything except feelings that make him want to be alone, away from everyone.


Alex is only six years old. His once bright eyes and contagious smile have faded, replaced by a sad and withdrawn expression.

He hasn’t told anyone, but his mum and dad have split up. They fought a lot and dad was always angry, yelling horrible names at his mum, swearing at her and kicking their dog, Buster.

He feels really angry at his dad, and also very scared. He hides because he doesn’t want to see or hear what’s happening

Maybe he did something wrong?

His mum is always crying. She seems really scared and doesn’t play with him anymore, always telling him to be quiet and go outside to play. She whispers a lot on the phone to Aunty Jo.

He is always worried that his dad will come back and the scary stuff will start again. He also worries that his mum will leave.

The trauma of witnessing and hearing these incidents has left deep scars on Alex's young being.

Alex’s mum was referred to Kids First’s Children and Mothers in Mind family violence program by her GP.

This play-based group program connects with children and mothers who’ve experienced family violence, helping them understand the impacts on their child

Our therapists work with both Alex and his mum, supporting them to heal and recover.

Alex begins to trust his therapist, opening up about all the hard, dark feelings inside him. They work together to try new coping strategies. His therapist helps Alex reframe the situation, so he doesn’t feel like these challenges are his fault or his responsibility to fix.

Alex’s mum begins to open up to her therapist, who provides support and guidance on how to best support Alex.

Alex’s mum was referred to Kids First’s Children and Mothers in Mind family violence program by her GP.

"I didn’t realise that he had suffered trauma to the extent that he had from seeing it all. Just being there and talking to the therapist really helped me understand why he was acting the way he was…..” - Alex’s Mum

Alex is now making significant progress. He is much more confident, engaged, and able to express himself in healthy ways.

His teachers have noticed a marked improvement in his classroom behaviour. His grades have improved, contagious smile has returned, and his laughter once again echoes through the halls of his school.

"I didn’t realise that he had suffered trauma to the extent that he had from seeing it all. Just being there and talking to the therapist really helped me understand why he was acting the way he was…..” - Alex’s Mum

At Kids First, we believe that every child deserves to feel safe, loved, and supported.

That's why we are committed to providing high-quality support to children and young people like Alex, to help them overcome the challenges they face and reach their full potential.

Make a 100% tax-deductible donation of $2 or more before June 30.

At Kids First, we believe that every child deserves to feel safe, loved, and supported.

Each situation is unique, but sadly, Alex’s experience is not uncommon. We need your help to continue to make a difference in the lives of children like Alex.

Voices of the Children and Mothers in Mind Program

"Sometimes I'd go to group and be like, 'This week [my child] was just really struggling with this.' We'd discuss it, and then I'd go home and I'd try out whatever they said, and come back and go, 'Oh, my God it worked.' Or 'Oh, my God, [my child’s] anxiety is not as bad as it was.'"

"Seeing those relationships rebuild, to know that a child now trusts their mum, that their mum is actually going to be emotionally available for them, it's life-changing stuff."

"She is just more aware of her emotions now. Before, she never used to say, 'I am happy today. I am this today. I am sad.' Now she knows all the emotions and is very open and expressive. The program has helped her become a happy, well-adjusted child."

Each situation is unique, but sadly, Alex’s experience is not uncommon. We need your help to continue to make a difference in the lives of children like Alex.

As an independent non-profit organisation, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to provide vital services to children and families in need.

With your help, we can continue to create brighter futures for the neediest children and families in our community, especially those affected by domestic violence.

Every donation, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the life of someone just like Alex.

Let's work together to ensure that every child receives the support they need to heal, grow, and thrive.

As an independent non-profit organisation, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to provide vital services to children and families in need.
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