OPEN supports Victorian child, youth and family services to use and build evidence from research, practice, and client experience to deliver better outcomes for our community.
As an organisation offering a broad range of evidence-based programs and services supporting children, young people and families, Kids First recognises the value of discovering and promoting evidence-led programs, supports, and best practice approaches.

About the OPEN Symposium
The OPEN Symposium is an annual conference which brings together researchers, services providers, practitioners, and policy makers to share evidence and lessons about what works to produce the best outcomes possible for their clients.
This year’s symposium will be held wholly online across the 25th and 26th of October, providing attendees with ready access to the incredible and inspiring work that continues to support Victoria’s most vulnerable children, families and communities.
This year's symposium theme is “Building resilient families and thriving communities.” Attendees will gain access to presentations offering evidenced-led learnings from across the sector, including:
- Out-of-home care
- Early intervention
- Family violence
- Building the Aboriginal evidence base
2023 OPEN Symposium tickets
Early bird tickets are available until midnight 30th September, giving attendees access to both days for the low price of $60. From October 1st, tickets will be $90 to attend both days or $50 for access to one day.