Caring Dads Adaptation for Muslim and Arab Dads with Abir Al Jamal

Abir Al Jamal is a Social Worker and Research Manager at the Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration (MRCSSI) in London, Ontario, Canada. Abir works in the fields of domestic violence, homicide and social issues that affect migrant communities. In this interview, Abir shares how her and her team have adapted Caring Dads to suit Dads from the Arab and Muslim diasporas.

Click below to watch now. 

Caring Dads Adaptation for Military Dads with Sarah Green

Sarah Green is the Mental Health and Wellness Manager at the Kingston Military Resource Centre in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. She is responsible for the leadership, supervision and program delivery of the Mental Health and Wellness program activity at the centre. In this interview, Sarah offers insight into her experiences adapting the Caring Dads program to meet the needs of Military Dads. 

Click below to watch now. 

Caring Dads exists to change current practice to better include fathers in efforts to enhance the safety and well-being of their children. The group component of Caring Dads combines elements of parenting, fathering, abusive behaviour, and child protection practice to enhance the safety and wellbeing of children.

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