How to Enrol
Kindergarten enrolments for Wallan East Kindergarten are processed by the Mitchell Shire Children’s Services Team via the Mitchell Shire website. To start the enrolment process, please visit the Mitchell Shire Council website or contact them directly for more information.
- Start your enrolment: Online Registration Form
- General kindergarten information: Mitchell Shire Council Kindergarten Info.
If you would like to organise a tour of the kindergarten, please click here or fill out the form below, and a member of our Early Years Team will get in touch with you.
About Our Centre
Wallan East is a three- and four-year-old sessional kindergarten that Kids First proudly operates.
With Kids First’s experience in providing child and family services, and research that shows the effectiveness of our Early Years Education Program, you can be assured that your children are immersed in a rich and supportive learning experience at Wallan East.
Our highly skilled educators work hand-in-hand with Kids First practitioners to help all children achieve their learning potential and thrive.

Helpful information for parents & carers
Downloadable information to help you get your child kinder ready!
Take a closer look at our centre

Early Years Education Program
For four year olds, your child must turn 4 by April 30 in the year of attendance. If your child was born between January and April you can choose which year to enrol your child, including the year the child is eligible or the year after
For three year olds, children must turn 3 by 30 April in the year they commence, however a parent will be required to stay with the child until they turn three years old.