Our three key recommendations in response to the Action Plan include: 

  1. Invest in quality education to address disparities in educational opportunities, and provide additional support for young people at-risk and/or disengaged from education. This will help all young people thrive academically and lay the foundation for future success, no matter their background or personal circumstances. Investment should include for educational resources, extracurricular activities, mentorship programs, and financial support, all of which are crucial for personal and professional development.
  2. Prioritise education, training, support and healthcare services that centre flexibility, empathy, and approaches that meet the needs of the individual. Catering to the diverse and often complex personal circumstances young people face fosters a sense of agency and empowerment, supporting their holistic development and wellbeing.
  3.  Address homelessness and housing insecurity by prioritising the development of appropriate accommodation services tailored to the unique needs of young people. This should include affordable housing options, transitional housing programs, and supportive housing models that offer stability, safety, and opportunities for independence. We know young people who experience homelessness are at significant risk of more and longer instances of homelessness into adulthood, so we view efforts to prevent youth homelessness as of paramount importance to improving the life trajectories of Western Australia’s young people. 

Read our full submission below.

Kids First Australia 'Your views, your future' Consultation Paper submission
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